Thursday, May 28, 2009

Ivana = Undertaker !

First rule of fightclub, dont talk about fightclub.
Second rule of fightclub, dont talk about fightclub.

Good thing im not in fightclub.

Today I must say, was a lovley day. For a Thursday 2.
It was pretty boring at first you know, there were krispy kremes at lunch time (thankyou Jules I loove you ! )
there was double religion. . . which is never fun.
Sudoku, which is always fun!
And, then. .. .
there was the incident with the bag.
I swear to God I have never rofled so much in my life.
literally, i couldnt stand because i was laughing so much. Even my family laughed.

So its the end of lunch time and im trying to run off to math and then i see it, as Hitler would say . . .'a beacon from heaven' . . . Ivana's bag, all alone, just perfect for the taking. In extreme impulsiveness ( ? ) I grabbed the bag and ran as fast as Pharlap, but oh no, Ivana had seen me take her bag and she wa snow chasing after me! It was just like in the movies, i turned around and everything around Ivana blurred away and there was this thing stampeding at me, with a face that much resembled shoop da woop!

In an attempt to get rid of the bag and save myself, I hung the bag on a low tree branch, with cheers from many. I recall Joseph chanting something like 'DO IT DO IT DO IT!'
and i diiidd it.
And i sorta wish i hadn't cause the next thign i knew, I was being held up at the stairs by a bunch of year sevens and then Ivana came, bag, balls and all and buckled me with her (heavy) school bag.
OF 1000 MEN,

and then everyone pissed themselves laughing. Even I, in my pain, was pissing my pants.

I think that was the highlight of the year, and Ivana, I would like to thankyou for providing me with that memory, which i will hold forever.


i broke the fight club rule hehe.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The serb and the arab!

Once upon the time there was an Arab female named Abdullah. Abdullah was a very pretty girl and lived in some arabian hole. One day, she was all alone and bored when a Serbian girl named Svetlana came and said 'hey, dobro, ill be your friend and ill play with you!" Now children, as you can imagine, Abdullah was so happy to finally have a friend as everyone usually stayed away from her and her hairiness. Luckily, her hair was the most beaitiful in the whoooole world.

It was a rather magical site, the serb with the arab, quite an odd mix you must agree. But they were the best of friends, there were no jeans as tight as Svetlana and Abdullah. But Svetlana the Serb had a terrible, dark, dark, secret . . .

One day, Svetlana and Abdullah were playing with their toys (barbie dolls and bombs if you must know!) when they began to play tickles ! Svetlana was a vicious tickler and she totally owned poor Abdullah. She viciously poked her in the eye with a Serbian flare (her special captain planet power), and then Abdullah DIED !

Svetlana never told Abdullah, but she had the power to kill people with a single poke! Svetlana was very distressed by her actions and decided to use her powers to try and poke Abdullah back to life ! But, being a serb, she failed. Duh.

Svetlana then went to the high up serbs, the power kegs of Europe and begged for her friend back! "Please," she said. "She was the only friend i had! You know what its like being serb. Ive never had any friends cause everyone is friggin croatian! Bring back Abdullah!" she cried! And the powderkegs felt pitty on Svetlana, and brought Abdullah back to life.


I would like to thank Svetlana for the motivation of this story!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

take care now, bye bye then


Ace Ventura is . . . . ace !

Ace: That's what you slipped in! That's what was on your shoe! And that explains the abrasion on your palm! Let me run that back for you.
[backs up]
Ace: Malp ruoy no noisarba eht snialpxe taht dna eohs ruoy no saw tahw staht ni deppils uoy tahw staht.
[starts moving forward again]
Ace: That's what you slipped in! That's what was on your shoe! AND THAT EXPLAINS THE ABRASION ON YOUR PALM! DAMN IM GOOD!

i love this movie. i remember, back in the day, me and liana were like 'omg ace ventura'

least i think we were. . .. hmm.

Saturday, May 16, 2009


Ill be honest
it wasn't the best
but it was fucking awesome !

So theres me, joanna and ivana, on our way to see BMTH, we're all happy chappies. First thing we did was go to get merch. Even though the line was massive, we had the funnest tiem talking to the guy next to us.

Guy: "This would be the worst time to get hay fever"
ivana: "I HAVE SWINE FLU!" =D

Benita: "omg my tits can breathe"
Guy: "haha you have tits!"

After merch purchasing, we went off to hang around, see people. And gosh, we know alot of people. pete, zomaya, gabo, jules, alex, james, erika, zac and lisa . . . =D

And then us girls ran off for the traditional Roundhouse bathroom photo:

which I do NOT have.
its a hot one.

"Is anyone here sober? You guys ! If you were a hot, straight male, Would you hook up with me?"
". . . .YEAH!"

The three of us then decided, that yes, we would like to be at the front for Oli, so we moved in on the Cancer Bat mosh (who sucked) and tried to get in the front. But we died , in there.
and btw, why is everyone so fucking tall?
yeah so, after that failed, we got out and stood at the back.

and then it finally happened
BMTh were on stage, opening with Diamond's aren't forever!

The mosh was alot more brutal than anyone had expected, and we were only 20 seconds in and I lost my fucking shoe, which was really unlucky. Just as I lost it, a pit opened up and i got punched about 6 times in the abdomen and it cannneeedd.
my foot got skin ripped off too :)

But I found my shoe amongst the mosh and ran out and put it on, then went to find Joanna&Ivana, but Ivana was lost lmao.
and lmfao at Ivana crowd surfing after Cancer Bats with no band playing and the guy that was like "roll her!"
and she flashed her undies lmao.

And it was during Chelsea Smile, that i got in a fight. almost.
This Bogan BITCH was shoving me and Joanna like no tomorrow, so i shoved her, then her pitbull friend shoved me, then I went at her again, but Joanna saved me ! and jumped in like a ref ! =D

Kudos Joanna, I owe you my life.

The best song they played was Chelsea Smile. The chanting was unlike anything Ive ever heard. And God i love Oli, i only dream that I could get a guy like him one day <3

Oli: "Pray for Plagues? We don't play that song anymore, its shit. You guys are shit. I wouldn't play that song for you cunts anyway." . . . silence . . . "Yeah, this song is called PRAY FOR PLAGGUESSSS!"

and then he made everyone do a wall of death, it was friggin amazing! I was so sad when they finished, I can't wait to see them again one day :).

I pledge my allegiance to, Bring Me The Horizon.

Be jealous that you weren't there Eden ! :D

Monday, May 11, 2009

' All the world's a stage . . . '

Today was the day when advanced English, visited Pact Theatre to witness Shakespeare's 'As You like it'. For those of you who have not had the opportunity to read the script or to view the performance, I envy you little bastards who did not have part of their soul stolen away by the Forest of Arden :(.

Thats not to say it wasn't good. The acting was wonderful and when it was funny, it was very funny.
Its a shame Shakespeare is so dull.

but yes, what intrigued me about this play was its perception and portrayal of personas. For example, Rosalind for the most part of the play had to pretend to be a man. And i hoenstly felt sorry for her, because she was absolutley stunning! But to continue, there was this one line in the play that made me think, 'omgosh, thats so true'. And it made me feel kind of sad. And im not going to tell you what it is, but its in here =). Somewhere. This line by the way, is about, acting, and it made me think of how everyone acts. Now don't lie - you do it, I do it, your mother does it.

Yes. your mother.

So i just wanted to say to everyone, that if you wear a persona, like the loud girl or the tough guy or the clinically depressed teacher, don't.
Cause we don't want to see it :).

Thanks for reading my bullshit.
By now you would haev realised you wasted about 5 minutes of your life.

' . . . and all the men and women are merely players.'

Friday, May 1, 2009


hai thar blog, oh i have missed you. I never thught I would become attatched to such a thing, though I am not as attached as some other crazy people. (ivana).

Today was an awesome Friday. We got to watch this awesome movie in modern history called The Wave which was about fascism and a depressed kid called Tim (how ironic). So yeah, now im an obsessed fool searching it on eBay. Then we went maccas after the movie and scabbed heaps of free food from Amy, cause shes a doll and we la-la-looove her. This was the last moment i got to share with Emily on her last day at Freeman :(.

But it was way fun, we scabbed icecream cones from Chantel (thankkyou) and ran into Jeffrey, William AND Joe (who also scabbed free food from us).

Then Ciantal drove me home in her lovley big car.

and then
the end.